Sunday, June 20, 2010

Are Indian Lives Cheaper?

The recent Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill has costed the British Petroleum Inc. a whopping sum of $20b. That is US Govt. has imposed this sum as a COMPENSATION to BP which could even rise to $70b according to the sources. But if we switch our attention to another Man-Made Disaster i.e. Bhopal Gas Tragedy, we come to know that the responsible company Union Carbide Ltd. had only settled for meager $470m for over 5 lacs victims. At that time US Govt even refused to extradicate the main accused Warren Anderson to India. Why these dual standards? Are Indian lives cheap? Are Indians not humans?
A small terrorist attack on US rattles the US so much that It destroys the whole suspect countries all together. We all know under what conditions nations like Iraq and Afghanistan are reeling. But why US tried to become mediator and pacifier when business capital of India, Mumbai was attacked and we lost over 200 countrymen and lost Hundreds of millions of business altogether. Why these dual standards? I again raise the question ARE INDIAN LIVES CHEAPER?

(Title Source- NDTV)


  1. totally in favour..i mean why do we need to be the underdogs?when we know we can be the leaders....are we meant for exploitation...we indians are the real brains and US just encaputres us...nonetheless our brains are the ones which work hard and not even respected...we are worth the laurels and we will surely get them soon:)......

  2. Well tamanna i agree with u but here brain drain is not being discussed though we'l definitely have some articles on tht too but what i want to convey is that y these differences

  3. my comment also doesnt deal solely with brain drain..i just mentioned an aspect...its a part of the differences and a huge part rather...that
    is why i wanted to put some light on it...nonetheless what you want to elaborate upon is seriously true...i whole heartedly feel the difference should be eliminated from the root..and we can be a supreme power......

  4. No, INDIAN LIVES are not cheap. And not just Indian...any HUMAN LIFE in any part of the world is not cheap. Its the political leaders of a country who are cheap. We can't blame the USA fully for its dual standards. Somewhere our corrupt politicians and those of other similar developing countries are to be blamed for this 'big bully attitude' of USA. They just at once surrender to US whims coz of its power. Its we who let them do it. Why doesn't america adopt the same policy with China and Russia? Bcoz they know they can be capable opponents. So these injustices won't stop unless we learn to stand for ourselves. And for that we need commited and honest leaders which seems to be a distant reality as of now. And not just that, even if america decides to extradicate anderson our politicians will be hell bent not to let that happen because there's a thief in everyone's heart. All fear that anderson may spill the beans and blow up the cover of the involved political figures. So Indian political thinking is the reason for cheap Indian lives.

  5. well said saurabh..i totally agree with u..infact u have just said what i think

  6. well i dont that ur eg illustrates indian lifes being cheaper .... these are two total out of comparison situations !
    But I do agree that US has nasty habit of poking its nose in matters that they need not.

    And US dint destroy the country .......It has actually helped them not to be frogs of well anymore ! Maybe their way could have been bit more peaceful .....hmmm !!

  7. TV channels like Nat Geo, Fox History, Discovery have described the plight of those nations many time.

  8. Yea I know thats why I said the methods could ave been peaceful :)
