Saturday, September 4, 2010

Media: The Meek Spectator

Electronic Media: The Fastest mode of communication, the most efficient, the most reliable and the most viewed. Media-men keep us updated to all the happenings across the world, capturing every moment in the multi pixel high resolution cameras. Even capturing those moments which give goose-bumps to us, shake our hearts and souls. These cameramen and media-men get so busy with their work that sometimes they even forget “Humanity”. They forget they have some moral and social responsibilities too. Rather they act as mute spectators to what happens around them. I’m not targeting them under attack nor do I have any enmity with rather I question the integrity and duties of those who cry for human rights, question others’ dignity, lambast many personalities and what not.
Today, A known News channel aired a video showing an innocent man being beaten up brutally by a bunch of hypocrite policemen and media-men moving around the scene shooting footage, why did not they save him and his family from the wrath of those policemen? Just because to cover the story and gain TRPs?
Few years ago, a man from Patiala burnt himself in a protest in the middle of the road in front of glaring cameras of reporters who aired the footage live on TVs. Had they kept their cameras and mic away for a while and they could have saved the life of the person on whom many lives were dependant.
Stop just crying for your rights. Wake up to your moral and social duties.


  1. yes very correct... earning money is the main motive everything else even the lives of their so called "victims" are secondary... money n money is the GOD today...

  2. ya bro u r ryt media can go to any extent for TRP' is meant to give the updates about society to the public bt they are in the lead role to make the pillars of socialism weaker...........

  3. the hindu saturday... page 3...
    its a good peice of news wherein jethmalani has chided media for not asking questions on the issues of national importance..... the "free food grain" thing u might be knowin .. govt didn even ponder on what to do with till the supreme court made a decision... our media doesnt aska such questions tht y the govt was sleeping all time through...
    the TRP thing thts going around is just damaging the unbiased role of the media....
